Your recipe

Come, let us leave the city behind.

What’s been built
What the neighbors are building
What the blueprints tell us how to build

None of it matters
Can you believe it?
It’s all dead, or for someone else.

Talk about letting go!

Hello, you.

Now that we’re here, standing on the edge of the forest,
What I most long to know

Is what makes you say hallelujah! and more of this, please!
What causes tears to stream down your face in thanks or wow (or is that just me?)
And what all this working you do is for
What it’s really about

So when you use up your body
and the time comes to return it
to the rental agency

The leftovers you leave in the fridge of our hearts are from your legendary lasagne.

Big love,

Stella Orange is a copywriter who helps people put their work into words. For eight years, she wrote email campaigns that resulted in more than a million dollars in sales for her clients. In that time, Stella also taught popular marketing writing workshops to business owners on both sides of the Atlantic -- and a few in Australia and New Zealand. In 2017, Stella cofounded a creative and consulting shop offering a complete and slightly unorthodox line of business advising and marketing services. She continues to write copy and advise clients on customer delight, how to resonate with more sophisticated, discerning clientele in your marketing, and just who, exactly, your ideal clients are. Stella is the founder of Show Up And Write, a weekly writing group and writes a letter every two weeks or so (here’s the sign-up). She lives with the Philosopher and their two kiddos in Buffalo, New York, a fifteen-minute bike ride to the Canadian border.

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